IMPORTANT! Please only purchase visit packages AFTER reading the restrictions & assuring all items in cart are correct. All sales are final.
Single Visit
A single non-holiday weekday daycare visit. Expires 3 months from date of purchase. Visits are RESTRICTED to non-holiday weekday visits occurring on recurring set days or during sleepovers.
5 Pack
Package of 5 non-holiday weekday daycare visits. Expires 3 months from date of purchase. Packages are RESTRICTED to non-holiday weekday visits occurring on recurring set days or during sleepovers.
10 Pack
Package of 10 non-holiday weekday daycare visits. Expires 3 months from date of purchase. Packages are RESTRICTED to non-holiday weekday visits occurring on recurring set days or during sleepovers.
20 Pack
Package of 20 non-holiday weekday daycare visits. Expires 3 months from date of purchase. Packages are RESTRICTED to non-holiday weekday visits occurring on recurring set days or during sleepovers.
Monthly Pass
A package of daycare good for every non-holiday weekday for a one month period.
Name Tag/Interview Fee
IMPORTANT: This item should be purchased only if you have received an invoice for it. No refunds will be given for name tags purchased without an invoice.